Easter Gardening!

5 Apr

I can’t remember an Easter weekend when I haven’t spent at least one morning in the garden!!  Unfortunately hospital visiting a sick relative, a big family lunch and the continuing cold weather have all conspired together to prevent me from doing so.  And I think I have withdrawal symptoms!!

However I was not to be thwarted from setting my first seed potatoes on Good Friday morning, something I have done for as long as I can remember.  I had part filled a heavy duty growing bag with home made compost and placed it in my heated greenhouse to warm through and have popped 2 early seed potatoes in it!!  I shall keep an eye on them and water as and when and as soon as they start to grow I will keep topping up the compost – that way I should get a fair crop of yummy new potatoes.


Unfortunately it was also discovered that my new fruit cage (carefully constructed by my husband – Handy Andy) had become a victim of the cold  weather and the weight of snow and ice had broken the top of the frame!


Oh dear that’s another job for him to fit in alongside the building of the new chicken run.   Still it keeps him happy!!

Meanwhile the soil is still too cold to get sowing and planting – in days gone by it is said that old gardeners would test the soil by pulling their trousers down and sitting on it and if it was comfortable to their backsides then it was warm enough to set their seeds!!!  Well I am not going to be doing that so I would just suggest you keep an eye on any weeds in your beds as if they are growing away merrily then it’s time for you to get sowing.

Until then keep warm, stock up on your seeds,  labels, gloves etc  and dream of spring – it’s coming soon!

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